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Urban Cultours in the Media

and VISITS on
Jewish Barcelona
in 2023

My appreciation to all those institutions who engaged me in their programs.

We look forward to more learning and sharing!




A project by Future for Religious Heritage, presents a catalogue of beatiful and inspiring buildings, helping you experience Europe's history, today! ink to website

Ancient Jewish cemetery in Barcelona is listed in this website, with basic information to visitors and a comprehensive article about its history and current actions for its protection.
link to listing

Jewish Barcelona
in 2022

My appreciation to all those institutions who included one of my CONVERSATIONS in their program.

We look forward to more learning and sharing!


Road Scholar

Bet David Mandel

Tikvat Jacob Boda NLI


Geo Sefarad Golden Slipper Gems

Conversación virtual explorando Sefarad

José P. Lepervanche desde Valencia, conversa durante 20 minutos con con la arquitecta Dominique Tomasov Blinder, sobre la historia de la Judería de Barcelona y su cementerio judío en Montjuïc.

Próximamente estará disponible la versión subtitulada en inglés.

link to video


Marzo 2022



Jewish Barcelona
in 2021

My appreciation to all those institutions who included one of my CONVERSATIONS in their program.

We look forward to more learning and sharing!

AYELET BZBI SONOMA JCC Jewish Community Library

Mout Kisko
Juderías Europa Decidim Bcn. Moving Stones

EDJC 2021

COAC Dones Fem Amics Calls
Miradas Violeta

Atlanta JCC

Cidicsef Simposio FRH
Shir Shalom

Invitation au voyage
Juin 2021
en Français



À BARCELONE, splendeur et misère de la Catédrale de la Mer

link to video

Épisode sur le roman "La Catédrale de la Mer" de Ildefonso Falcones de Sierra, pour découvrir la Barcelone du Moyen Âge.
Dominique nous raconte sur la peste noire, le quartier juif et nous invite dans une maison semblant a celle ou Arnaud trouve protection.

Episodio sobre la "Catedral del Mar" de Ildefonso Falcones de Sierra, para descubrir la Barcelona medieval. Dominique nos habla de la peste negra, del barrio judío y nos invita a una casa que se parece a aquella en la que Arnaud encuentra protección.

Episode on the novel "The Cathedral of the Sea" by Ildefonso Falcones de Sierra, to discover medieval Barcelona. Dominique tells us about the Black Death, the Jewish quarter and invites us to a house that looks like the one where Arnaud finds protection.

Una muestra de la vitalidad de la cultura sefardí
8º Simposio Internacional CiDICSef

Entre las novedades que surgieron de este Simposio se destaca las investigaciones que realiza la arquitecta Dominique Tomasov de Barcelona quien explicó su dedicación para recuperar el antiguo Cementerio Judío de Montjuïc (monte de los judíos) basándose en documentos de propiedad desde 1395. Completa la tarea con cartografía del siglo XVII y XVIII.


Mundo Israelita
Buenos Aires
Agosto 2021


Mundo Israelita

Norli Lappin-Eppel
March 2021

Bet Debora


Jewish Renaissance in Spain

Bet Debora offers a forum for exchange between Jewish women in Europe open to women activists from all streams of Judaism, artists and scholars as well as rabbis, cantors and community officials, and that it is characterized by scholarly, political, cultural, and artistic debates. Bet Debora would like to make a contribution to the renewal of Jewish life in Europe, support Jewish women’s studies, promote a Jewish-feminist consciousness and thereby also the presence of women within Jewish Community leadership, maintain Jewish women’s heritage, work towards interreligious dialogue and establish an international network of Jewish women.

It was an honor to be interviewed by Bet Debora. link to PODCAST

Jewish Barcelona
in 2020

My appreciation to all those institutions who included one of my CONVERSATIONS in their program.

We all enjoyed the experience.


Westville Synagogue


Patrimonio judío de Barcelona

“Me interesa que se entienda que esta sociedad no es monolítica, como se intentó hacer en 1492. Es una sociedad de muchísimas identidades y que, hoy en día, habiendo otra vez una diversidad de identidades, sabiendo que la hubo en otro momento, hay que hacer un trabajo de “esponjar”, de que entre un poquito de aire y que esa diversidad se pueda manifestar.....
Aunque soy arquitecta, los edificios no tienen importancia sino lo que uno hace adentro de ellos. Pero los cementerios tienen un valor muy diferente, son un espacio de la ciudad que refleja la existencia de una comunidad, un sitio donde vas a vivir desde que te mueres hasta el final de los días..."


La Palabra Israelita
Santiago de Chile
Agosto 2020

La Palabra Israelita

Silvia Marimon
Gener 2020



¿Hem donat l'esquena a Auschwitz?

....Aquests dies es multipliquen les commemoracions. Ara bé: ¿són útils? ¿Qui pensa (i reflexiona) realment sobre Auschwitz-Birkenau? ¿Hem banalitzat l’Holocaust? ¿Tenim els mecanismes perquè no es repeteixi?....
Evidentment no n’hi ha prou en repetir que no pot tornar a passar per evitar nous genocidis. “Dir que és impossible que torni a passar és una porta oberta perquè torni a passar -reflexiona Dominique Tomasov, arquitecta especialista en el patrimoni jueu-. No hem sabut explicar que Auschwitz no és un capítol aïllat, sinó que forma part de nosaltres, que els éssers humans tenim la capacitat de fer tant de mal”.....
¿Es pot repetir? “Sí que es pot repetir. A les democràcies llatinoamericanes hi ha una persecució dels indígenes, i hi ha persecucions en molts altres llocs. L’ésser humà té la capacitat de fer mal, però tenim eines per evitar-ho -reflexiona Tomasov-. Hem d’estar sempre atents al patiment de l’altre, a les llibertats de l’altre”.

Selling Spain to Jewish tourists

“Jews had been absent for so long that it was easy to manipulate the truth,” said Dominique Tomasov Blinder, an architect and tour guide of Jewish Barcelona....
Since the government’s earliest efforts to promote Jewish tourism, both academics and members of the Spanish Jewish community have charged that the efforts are more directed at attracting tourist dollars than accurately portraying the country’s celebrated Jewish history....
In early 1990's ..... as Jews were immigrating to Spain, the government, without input from reputable scholars or Jews, charged ahead with promoting tourism focused on Jewish heritage. Almost at once, it became commonplace for uninformed guides to embellish Jewish history.


HADASSA Magazine
Shira Rubin
May 2019

Haddassah 2019

Wendy Schneider
April 2019




The Lost Jewish Heritage of Spain and Portugal

Picture standing in a museum before an empty display case while trying to piece together the history of the imagined object that lies within, Jewish heritage tours in Spain and Portugal can often feel like that. But three energetic guides offer Jewish tours in Lisbon, Seville and Barcelona, representing the revitalization of Jewish life in those cities. Time in their company is time well spent.
Dominique Tomasov Blinder shares a passion for informing the world about the legacy of a people whose history their countries once worked hard to erase.

Programa VIS à VIS, Cadena judía de información

Entrevista de Gustavo Szpigiel, conductor del programa, Martha Wolff y Guido Maisuls. enlace al audio (castellano)

¿Qué significa ser Arquitecta en patrimonio judío?
¿Cómo se puede diferenciar el patrimonio cultural judío con el de otras identidades?
¿De cuándo data la presencia judía en Barcelona?
¿Las autoridades actuales están realmente interesadas en mostrar la identidad judía?


Noviembre 2018

Vis a Vis

RADIO SEFARAD English Corner
Linda Jiménez
June 2018


Spain’s Ancient Jewish Cemeteries

This week’s trivia question: About how many Jewish cemeteries were there in Spain at the time of the Expulsion in 1492? And how many communities did they serve?
This week she is speaking with us about ancient Jewish cemeteries in Spain, and especially the one on Montjuic, Barcelona’s “Jewish Mountain”.
Dominique has asked that this program be dedicated to the memory of her parents, Rubén and Raquel Z”L.

link to audio

Jewish Barcelona, with Dominique Tomasov
Part II: The Community Today

This week’s trivia question: In what way was Iberica Films, founded by German Jewish refugee David Oliver in 1933, innovative?

Last week Dominique Tomasov Blinder spoke with us about the history of the Jews in Barcelona, and this week she will tell us about the Jews who live there today.
link to audio


RADIO SEFARAD English Corner
Linda Jiménez
June 2018

RADIO SEFARAD English Corner
Linda Jiménez
June 2018


Jewish Barcelona, with Dominique Tomasov
Part I: The History

This week’s trivia question: What book was found hidden in the wall of a building in Barcelona in 1846? And what does it tell us about the person who hid it there?
2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the Jewish Community of Barcelona (CIB). To celebrate, we are offering you a two-part series on Jewish Barcelona.
link to audio

Persecuted Barcelona: the Jewish quarter

Historians, art critics, archaeologists, journalists and some very well known persons will join us in this new didactic, passioning and dynamic adventure.

In 1391, about 300 Jews living in Barcelona's 'Call', Jewish quarter, were murdered and forced to leave town. This is the end of the history of one of the most important Jewish communities in the Iberian peninsula.

link to video in Catalan


Xiana Siccardi
March 2015



Jewish Cemetery in Barcelona. News about its extension.

Architect Dominique Tomasov Blinder, co-director of the research to define the boundaries of this ancient cemetery, gave a presentation last March 31, at the Association of Architects in Catalonia, organized by the Interest group of Architects for the defense and intervention in architectural heritage.
Using maps and notary protocoles, she has explained how was it possible to define its extension, based on an in depth analysis of how property had been passed on since the end of the 14 c. until early 20 c.

link to audio in Spanish

JEWISH NEWS ONE, Paul Walsh, 2014

A team of architects defined the site of this ancient cemetery to avoid it being destroyed by further construction. From one of the overlook terraces in the city, visitors can see an empty and neglected piece of land without any idea of what lies below.
link to video in English



RADIO SEFARAD English Corner
Linda Jimenez
July 2013


Jewish Heritage Europe Conference in Krakow

When and where was Jewish Heritage Europe founded?
Dominique Tomasov is an architect based in Barcelona where she is an active member of Reform Congregation Atid and a founder of Center Zakhor of Barcelona, an organization which is specialized in the protection and transmission of Jewish Heritage.

She recently attended a Seminar in Krakow, Poland, that was organized by Jewish Heritage Europe. The title of the seminar was Managing Jewish Inmovable Heritage in Europe, a working seminar on projects, challenges and strategic thinking.
link to interview

PRI's The World Public Radio International
Gerry Hadden · November 2008

A Spanish study focused on high school teenagers and 56% of respondents said given the choice they would not work alongside a Jew.

This politician scientist says so many Spanish youths look unfavorably on Jews because the Spanish education system ignores Jewish history. He concedes things are changing slowly and Catalonia now has an annual commemoration of the Holocaust, for example.

link to article and audio


in Spain


Re finding Jewish roots


Jordi Vila for Antena 2 · September 2008

Is one of the pioneers explaining the history of the Jewish Call in Barcelona. In fact, the "Count's City" has caused Dominique Tomasov to re find her roots.

She is also one of the promotors of Center Zakhor of Barcelona,
specialized in the protection and transmission of Jewish heritage.

link to video in Catalan (min. 15:10)

the city's magazine in English - October 2008

In an effort to gain acknowledgement, the Jewish community united and petitioned to have the Generalitat officially recognise the cemetery,
and prevent future construction on the site. Due to their efforts, in 2007 Catalunya recognised the cemetery as an official landmark.

We are not interested in vying with the city”, explained Dominique Tomasov Blinder, an architect and Jewish heritage advocate. “We want to work together, adding our expertise as consultancy, to acknowledge the importance of this place to the Jews and the city.”


Barcelona's Jews
Roi Ben-Yehuda

The Jews of Spain
Janet Levin

Jewish Renaissance

link to article


quarterly magazine of Jewish culture, UK - July 2008

Jewish heritage is now a major industry in Spain. Cities cooperated to form a network of Jewish quarters –Caminos de Sepharad– conservation is taking place and many festivals and lectures are held, often without any Jewish participation and sometimes with doubtful authenticity.

"I want to give a Jewish voice to the explanation of the Jewish past – and to connect it with the Jewish present. Many in Spain cannot see any connection."

Dominique told me that a campaign she had mounted with Israeli architect David Stoleru had born fruit. A medieval Jewish cemetery in the town was to have had a public toilet built over it. “It is hidden from view but there are bones still there.” There were petitions and much
pressure from the Jewish Communities and finally the Catalonian government agreed that the site should have the status of a landmark.

National Geographic TRAVELER
December 2007

Still, I couldn't forget that Barcelona hadn't always been a lovefest. There was the matter of the Inquisition and the expulsion of the Jews in the 1400's. I'm not a very observant Jew, but when I travel I gravitate to the ghettos and eerie pockets of once flourishing-communities where crumbling remains offer starck reminders of all that was lost. So I met up with a Jewish architect, Dominique Tomasov Blinder, who started Urban Cultours to give an inside look at Barcelona's former Jewish quarter, or Call.

As we explored the tangle of streets in the Call, it became clear that Blinder was on a mission. "This was one of the most important centers of Jewish life until the late 14th century. I believe the memory must be kept alive and given a voice after 600 years of oblivion." She pointed to Hebrew inscriptions in the wall of a medieval building. "These tombstones were taken from the Jewish cemetery and used for construction after the Jews were forced to convert to Catholicism or flee the country." The streets of the Call felt barren, more numbing abscence than presence.


Barcelona two perspectives
Hugh Delehanty & Barbara Graham

Barcelona restoring Jewish quarter -
but local Jews say they feel ignored
Reuven Friedman
December 14, 2006


JTA, Global news service of the Jewish people

Dominique Tomasov, also an architect and a founding member of the Reform congregation, independently began giving a Jewish voice to guided tours of the neighborhood in the late 1990s.She tells visitors the history of Barcelona Jews while tying it in to the re-emergence of a living community. Tomasov spoke of fruitless efforts to build some sort of partnership with the city around the renovation project.

What upsets me most about this is that Judaism is a living culture,” she said. “It has a presence in Barcelona, and we could bring Jewish authenticity to the project.”

Various sources, including those in City Hall, said anti-Israel feeling has affected the city’s attitude on some level.

Let us take a look into the life of Dominique Tomasov: we will have a better perspective of Judaism and Barcelona. Born in New York,… almost immediately (her family) returns to Buenos Aires, where she grew up and studied architecture… We now have Dominique settled in Barcelona (since 1991), following perhaps a mysterious mandate by Yaveh.

Being Jewish did not take a prominent place in her life. But one day…
"I was invited to a family Shabbat… I liked it and repeated the following Friday, and the next. In my case, there was a happy coincidence between reconnecting with my roots, participating in community life and discovering the Judaism of Barcelona… Step by step I got more and more involved, I studied, until it was time when I knew that I had to tell the Jewish story of this city from my personal perspective as a Jewish woman in Barcelona".


Jewish Barcelona
Sergio Makaroff
EL PAÍS. Spain
September 23, 2005

Jewish Barcelona

Sepharad in Barcelona
Antonio Baquero
El Periódico de Catalunya. Spain
September 5, 2005

Sepharad in Barcelona


A route in the Call becomes the “star of the European Day of Jewish Culture”: "We are here to explain a history common to all of us, Barcelonians and Jews." Thus opened Dominique Tomasov the visit "to the story of the Call", Barcelona’s Jewish quarter.

This woman, who combines her architecture profession with the Hebrew heritage, lead the participants through the lights and shadows of Sephardi Barcelona.

Her description and Catherine Favret’s story telling turned the walk into a real discovery. The route was the main course of the European Day of Jewish Culture, celebrated yesterday in Barcelona for the third year and organized in 26 European countries the same day.

The walks in the Call, the website and the study, take a lot of her time; but Dominique Tomasov Blinder does not mind it “because it gives me a lot of satisfaction.”

“Some time ago, Jewish North American visitors gave me this advice: tell us the Jewish history of Barcelona, do not allow this heritage to be lost….”

“I then realized that there was a very rich Jewish past here but, on one hand the local Jewish community was shy and introverted for a long time, and on the other the conversions had left very deep scars… It is about not forgetting all of this.”


Our own Barcelona
Mariano Slutzky
NIW. Niew Israelitisch Weekblad, Holland
January 21, 2005


Back to Sepharad
Robert Rosenblatt
JUDISK Kronika Sweden
November 2004

Back to Sepharad


Dominique Tomasov Blinder found a Jewish Barcelona that changed her life. Today, more than ten years after her departure from a secularised life in New York, she is one of the leader's of Spain's liberal Jewish community and has an opinion in a lot if issues when it comes to Jewish culture.

The municipality of Barcelona is in a process of renovating the old Jewish quarter and excavating the old Jewish cemetery on the Montjuic (mountain of the Jews). However, the local Jews has not been informed about any of this. “Our culture is taken as something of the past, to be displayed in cases as interesting objects for tourists.”

Jewish life in Spain is everything but free of problem but seems to be on its way back again after more than 500 years of exile and will probably give the country an additional attraction above the beautiful churches and the dried ham.

article in Swedish

In 1871, only 21 identified Jews were resident of Spain and very few lived in Barcelona. As intermarriage is at least 50%, ATID liberal congregation is the only place where a Jewish person can participate with a non-Jewish partner. With the occasional support of visiting Rabbis of the WUPJ, ATID was founded in 1992 by a dozen of young families who had been holdings services and activities in the houses.

ATID became involved in the restoration of the historic synagogue seven years ago, when Miguel Iaffa, a friend of the congregation, bought the basement of a building identified as the mayor synagogue in XIV c. documents. Thanks to a website launched by Dominique Tomasov Blinder –member of ATID– and to her assistance, the first bar mitzvah was celebrated there after 600 years.

“We really want to put Atid on the map for Jewish people all over the world, so that they can share their experiences with us” says Rabbi Edery. “Come and see us, meet our family of congregants.”


Rebirth in Barcelona
Schelly Talalay Dardashti
Spring 2004

Rebirth in Barcelona

Barcelone - the - Jewess Ann-Eve Fillenbaum


REGARDS. Revue du Centre communautaire laïc de Belgique
Newsletter N° 3 - 4; fall 2002

Barcelona is grand, vibrant and multiple. Under the deviled rhythm of a city that never sleeps, centuries of history are found, days of human tragedies, specially so when we evoke the Jewish community, kicked out of these walls like of the rest of the country since the Inquisition.

… Dominique Tomasov Blinder is one of the instigators of the rediscovery of the Jewish past. Architect by profession, she started Urban Cultours, from scratch, thanks to her passion for architecture and her new home city, stimulated by the promise she made to her mother of not breaking the chain of memory. Little by little, the Spaniards also join interested in this part of their history.

The Sophisticated Traveller, The New York Times Magazine
Andre Aciman's visit to Barcelona had a deeper reason: “… to look for remnants of my Jewish ancestry in Spain …” Physical reminders of Jewish life from 1000 years ago being scarce*, he is unfortunately unsuccessful in his quest. As he participates in one of Urban Cultours’ visits, he catches himself, while standing outside of an alchemist’s house …

… looking for what I imagine every Jew secretly hopes to find. I am not a believer, and there is something verging on kitsch in the gesture, but with my hand I feel the right jamb of the door in the hope of touching a telltale indention marking the spot of an absent mezuzah. I know that my guide has seen and understood my gesture, but is tactful enough to say nothing. I know-she-knows- I-know-she-knows … I grew up with such converso antics.

* the oldest synagogue remains have been restored


Andre Aciman,
November 18, 2001

Donated in 2002
New menorah in the
oldest synagogue,
artist Ferran Aguiló


Dominique with group


Lisa Alcalay Klug, travel writer
The Jewish Week, for the Jewish community of greater New York
October 26, 2001

Lisa Alcalay enjoyed the Urban Cultours routes, and also had the chance to meet other visitors as well as community members, participate in morning services and have lunch at the Chabad with more tourists. She had very kind words about us.

Multi-lingual guides such as Dominique Blinder Tomasov of Urban Cultours help make a visit worthwhile, however. I appreciated her expertise during a recent visit hosted by the Spanish Board of Tourism and several Catalan organizations.

AURORA, Israel - October 2001

If you want to know the Barcelona Jewish Call better, says Mario Weinstein, then you really need a guide.

… If you visit the Museo de la Ciutat in the Plaça del Rei, and you climb downstairs to visit the archaeological remains, ranging from the roman times to the Middle Ages - check this as you meander through this fascinating museum: near the exit, at the point where you have to make a left turn, look up and you'll see a stone wall; some of the stones bear inscriptions - look closely you'll see its hebrew.

… I wouldn't have found it, had my guide Dominique Tomasov Blinder not alerted me …


Mario Wainstein,
Chief editor

Discovering ancient hebrew inscriptions

Silvia Riu,
Chief Editor
Barcelona PLUS
Nº 15, Fall 2000

The small, narrow streets of the Barcelona jewish Call


Silvia Riu and photographer Dani Codina visited the Call with Dominique Tomasov, (Urban Cultours project) before writing this very detailed account of the history of the Jewish quarters. This article is the first, after many years, to feature Catalonia’s Jewish heritage again in the local press. Riu’s article makes very enjoyable reading:

… The small, narrow and labyrinthine streets of the old Call – the layout of the streets has changed slightly since then – form a dark area, which entices you into it. It is said that in the very narrow streets, during times of maximum population density, a small living area was built from façade to façade – forming tunnels in the lower part to allow access – so as to provide shelter for any new members who entered the community …

George Semler for FODOR Guides
Random House Titles (current editions, 2002)

… Walking Tours For the best English-language walking tour of anything from Gaudi's Sagrada Familia to the medieval Jewish quarter. Contact Dominique Tomasov Blinder at Urban Cultours.


A mission to rescue Barcelona's jewish past


Companion to Jewish travel and sites in Europe
Jeremy Leigh for UJIA Guide, London (in press, 2001)

… Visitors in search of Jewish sites in Barcelona, and elsewhere in Spain, should be aware that Urban Cultours specializes in Jewish tourism offering an excellent service and high quality tours. This project is designed by Dominique T. Blinder, Barcelona.

Trudie Trox for
MERIAN Classic, Culture with genius: Barcelona. 2002
Hidden testimonies of an important culture: the Call, Barcelona's Jewish quarter

… The streets are not narrower, the houses are not grander nor poorer than in other areas of the Gothic quarter. Barcelona's Jewish quarter (Call) housed about 4000 persons in the middle ages …

… The Jewish traces in the Call are today less than meager. Urban Cultours offers special visits (in Spanish and English) with very high cultural and historic content.


A mission to rescue Barcelona's jewish past

Copyright ©2002 DTBlinder; All rights reserved.